Now presenting: page 29. We are in the midst of attempting a car chase in comic form. The comic, as a means of presenting a car chase, is a slightly less... visceral medium than, say, film. We've done our best, and I think we've done pretty well (just don't go comparing us to Speed Racer or the Blues Brothers or anything). It's not over yet, folks!
I was just snooping through some of our records when I found this: what I believe to be the first 3rd party review of the comic. It's not much, but it delivers! Check out what she has to say on some other topics while you're there, very interesting stuff.
Page 27 already? How time flies. In only a few more weeks we'll have reached the end of our first chapter/episode/edition. But don't fret, dear readers: there will be no break in production. I'm really looking forward to part two - we'll be delving deeper into the mystery, introducing some new characters, and having plenty of fun and maybe a little pathos along the way. We're also considering some changes to the site itself. If any of you have any suggestions, let us know! It's yours as much as it is ours, so if there's something specific you'd like to see changed, we would love to hear from you. Any other comments are always welcome as well! til next time
Page 24 is now up. Additionally, we've listed ourselves with yet another webcomic site. This one requires votes in order for us to progress: your votes. At different times we'll provide various incentives for you to do so - wallpapers, concept art and the like - but for now the sheer joy of participating in a democratic process will have to be enough. The button is just there to the left and down... bit further... little bit more.... too far!.. there you go.
We are, now, back. A return marred by the ominous collapse of the comicgenesis servers at the *exact moment* I was attempting to upload the newest page. An ill omen, but not entirely unexpected. We are looking into new hosting. We return from our extended hiatus rested and invigorated for the comic-producing year ahead. We enjoyed our time in South America hugely - though it is something of a relief to be corresponding from different states again. Travelling as a trio has many advantages, but maintained sanity is not among them. So here is our first page back, and incidentally the first page of the new year. I hope it pleases. With any luck we will have an additional page by next week. Though we seem to fail utterly at keeping to a weekly schedule, our mutual New Year's Resolution is to try harder to achieve this end. We thank all our old readers for returning and heartily welcome the new! -Robert P.S. There seems to be some issue with the shoutbox. If anyone is actually attempting to post there and failing, try commenting on this newsthread instead. At least then I'll know if we have to find a new shoutbox provider.
Our 'weekly update schedule' is essentially a lie, isn't it.
...Though this is page 16, it may appear to be incorrectly labelled as page 15(iii). This is not my error. I repeat, not my error. How could I make such a foolish error? Nonetheless, I will endeavour to correct this random error, in the fullness of time.
The epic struggle to complete page 15 has come to its conclusion. Presented now, for the very first time, is Page 15: Episode III. We decided, the reduce the already high levels of confusion, to post it alone. Nonetheless, at some stage I daresay some archive-tinkering will occur, and Page 15 will be able to live as a unified whole. Thankyou for your patience. Next time we update we will present an actual complete page (Gasp!).
Page 15, part 2: What you post when don't have everything you want to post. It had been my intention to post this along with the 4th (and final) panel of page 15, but while this has been finished for some time, Panel 4 is still in the works. So here is panel 3, which really is capable of standing on its own (Luke tells me something in the order of 86 photoshop layers went into it). A Full-scale image, not reduced for the comic, is viewable on Luke's DeviantArt site (see our Links section).
So yeah, here's Page 15(i). For a variety of reasons Luke's been busy with uni, life, illness etc [though being BioShocked is not an illness], so we don't quite have all of what is scripted as 'Page 15'. And with a hearty 'get well soon' to Luke, here is the first half-ish.
Page thirteen, and the return of an old villain. Well, not old, because of only thirteen pages. But with the amount of actual time it's taken us to get here, it seems like a long time since page one. Slowly, but surely, the story progresses - and I can promise more surprises to come...
Page twelve is finally here. My Internet has been just screwy since monday, and I haven't been able to get near it to upload the page - though it has been ready all week. Really very annoyed. But twelve is here, now, so it's all OK. Mostly.
Page 10 has arrived. This page was actually completed really quickly, though with Luke's absence it seems as though it took ages... or at least, our normal amount of time. Which, admittedly, is ages. At the moment we are producing a page every two weeks. This is too slow. Our aim is to get a page to you every week, and perhaps one day we will even be able to achieve this. So until page 11 slams through your ISP and erupts onto your screen (sometime in 2015, not long to go!!!!!), be entertained by this little... dancing... man... thing... that may, or may not, be Fred!
Finally, after not quite a month, we have a new page. I would just like to apologise again for the delay. We hate jerking our readers around (yes, both of you) and we'll try to be more regular in future. Hope you enjoy the new page!
As was subtly implied above, Page 7 is Live. Or, at least, it is posted. It should appear shortly, after negotiating the inner workings of the ComicGenesis auto-posting system. There may be an intermediary period where the Page 7 teaser actually shows Page 6. If you find this to be the case, write to your Federal Government Representative.